Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 4, 2015

Chanakya Quotes 2

  • Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness.
  • Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person.
  • Test a servant while in the discharge of his duty, a relative in difficulty, a friend in adversity, and a wife in misfortune.
  • The life of an uneducated man is as useless as the tail of a dog which neither covers its rear end, nor protects it from the bites of insects.
  • One whose knowledge is confined to books and whose wealth is in the possession of others, can use neither his knowledge nor wealth when the need for them arises.
  • As a single withered tree, if set aflame, causes a whole forest to burn, so does a rascal son destroy a whole family.
  • There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it.
  • He whose son is obedient to him, whose wife's conduct is in accordance with his wishes, and who is content with his riches has his heaven here on earth.
  • Avoid him who talks sweetly before you but tries to ruin you behind your back, for he is like a pitcher full of poison with milk on top.
  • As water collected in a tank gets pure by filtration, so accumulated wealth is preserved by being employed in charity.
  • Time perfects men as well as destroys them.

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